Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Special guest for Hudgens Talk

How to be a writer and other things I can teach you in a pandemic

**Update: Due to the hurricane, this is being rescheduled. I'll post the new date when I know it.**

OK, it's really just the one thing.

I am super excited that I have been invited to be on Hudgens Talk, a forum offered by the local arts center. I'm going to be talking about my experiences as a writer, both as a journalist and a columnist but also about what I've learned in my first-time foray into the world of independent authorship.

It will, of course, be virtual. (Thanks a lot, COVID-19.)

So tune in at 5 p.m. Thursday via Facebook Live on the Hudgens Center page. I think I'm on for a whole hour, so if you've been thinking to yourself, "Self, I don't have enough Nate McCullough in my life," then here's your chance to fix that.

That's 5 p.m. Thursday. Be there!

Southern Nightmares

 I gave people nightmares!

It was a while back. I should've posted this a long time ago. It's been on the internet for a while, but maybe it's new to you. Maybe.

Anyway, here is the video of the Southern Nightmares Reading Series from the Atlanta chapter of the Horror Writers Association. It includes readings by me, Jeff Strand, Lisa Kroger, Jessica Ann York and Andy Davidson. Enjoy!